



樱木第一次接触homesexuality这个单词是在野兽的课上--高级英文写作教程。那天正好分析的是Thomas Edward Lawrence的作品The Evil of My Tale。
“Known as 'Lawrence of Arabia', he was a British solider, archaeologist and explorer. he wae born at Tremadoc in Wales of unmarried parents……”野兽介绍道,“In 1919 he began to write his account of the Arab campaign and most of the first draft, several hundred thousand words, stolen at Reading Station, an poor man, well he was compelled to write the second version from memory, but it was the a third version that he published as Seven Pillars of Wisdom in a strctly limited edition in 1926, from which our text is taken. Next, let's goning to deal with the text.”(鼠鼠:汗,这里竟然用了英文,毕竟是英文写作课,希望各位大大不要介意。)


“……Gusts of cruelty, perversions, lusts ran lightly over the surface without troubling us…… here pay attention to the words: cruelty, perversions and lust. They are all evlis, referring to mercilessness, homosexual activities, and strong(sexual) desire.”(cruelty, perversions and lust这里指冷酷,同性恋行为活动,和强烈的性欲。)

“……and hot flesh and blood…in a cliamte as racking as can be conceived. well, this sentence means physical hardship heightened intensity of sexual desire while spirutual exaltation lost its old patient rule over the body. all this resulted in sexual licence: homosexuality.”

“We had no shut places…… lived candidly with man.”野兽嘴角一扬,继续道,“This sentence, in other words, means these men found no places to stay alone, and no adequate clothes to cover their bodies, and therefore, they were more exposed to each other both physically and spirutually, without any social or civilized buffering than they would have been in any civilized circumstances. ”

“今天课文就进行到这里,呵呵,接下讨论时间,”野兽转身在黑板上刷刷刷写下:On Homosexuality,“大家可以各自发表对同性恋的看法。”

另外关于Seven Pillars of Wisdom(《智慧七柱》),曾在圣经中看到这样一句:Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars(智慧建造房屋,凿成七根柱子)。大抵出自这里,只是鼠鼠猜测,真实与否也没有考证,有兴趣的大大可以去查查,呵呵,知道结果了希望能告知鼠鼠一声,这里多谢了。




